Acupuncture originated in China and dates back more than 2000 years, so it is often referred to as the original medicine. Acupuncture has become a very popular form of treatment in the west and over the years has been backed by evidence based research.
How does Acupuncture work? The common question on everyone’s lips!
Acupuncture is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and to improve functioning. Acupuncture does this by the insertion of hair fine needles at very precise acupuncture points along channels in the body. This helps the body release endorphins and other chemicals to stimulate the bodies natural healing response and rebalance hormones. Acupuncture also relaxes the muscles and reduces inflammation in the body. It can be used as a stand alone treatment or can be used effectively alongside conventional medicine.
Acupuncture is a safe, gentle and relaxing form of treatment, which can benefit people of all ages, helping with specific conditions or symptoms and giving people the benefit of the feeling of relaxation and wellbeing.
Bryony will look at your condition and symptoms with a unique approach with a number of diagnostic methods. This along with a full history allows Bryony to get a complete picture to treat the root cause and deeper patterns of disharmony underlying the specific symptoms. She will put together a personal treatment plan and select the acupuncture points accordingly.
Please refer to the What I Treat section for a full list of conditions acupuncture can help with.
Acupuncture also includes other techniques such as cupping, moxibustion and acupressure. These may be used as part of the treatment depending what you are having treatment for.
What happens during treatment:
The initial consultation will last up to an hour and a half. A full medical history will be taken and you will be asked about your health, physically and emotionally. Your tongue will be looked at and your pulse will be taken, this will give Bryony an indication of what is going on internally. If you are seeking treatment for a physical and muscular injury a brief physical examination may be done. On subsequent treatments there will be a brief consultation to ask about any improvements and any new symptoms you may want to concentrate on.
After the consultation you will have the opportunity to ask questions before the treatment goes ahead. You may need to remove items of clothing before the treatment commences depending on the clothing you are wearing and where the acupuncture points are required. It is advisable if possible to come in looser fitting clothing so these can be rolled up or moved out of the way, however towels are provided for privacy and you will be left to get undressed in private. Treatment will take place on an adjustable couch for ease of getting on and off and fine needles are inserted into the body at specific acupuncture points. They are retained for about 20 minutes whilst you relax. The needles are then removed and the treatment is concluded.
Often a course of treatment is recommended. The length of this course will depend on your condition and how your body responds. Subsequent treatments usually last 45 minutes to an hour.
Call Bryony now or use the contact form to make an appointment or to get in touch, Bryony would love to hear from you. 07581 095268.