Acupressure is sometimes called ‘acupuncture without needles’, it is a blend of acupuncture and pressure. The technique was derived from acupuncture and is often used with other massage techniques. Pressure is applied with fingers, thumbs and elbows to the appropriate acupuncture point. This will relieve pain and trigger points in the body. Acupressure can be an excellent way to ease you into the benefits before the use of needles.
- Release tension
- Increase circulation
- Reduces pain
- Relieves energy blockages
Acupressure is also a great tool that you can do on yourself at home. Bryony will show you some of the common points shown below that you or someone at home can do in between treatments.
Bryony’s recommended points:
Gallbladder 20 (GB20) Feng Chi:
Recommended for headaches, migraines, eyes (blurriness or fatigues) low energy, cold and flu symptoms.
Gallbladder 21 (GB21) Jian Jing:
This point is commonly used for stress, facial pain, headaches, toothaches and neck pain. Use with caution in pregnant women.
Large Intestine 4 (LI4) He Gu:
This point is good for stress, headaches, toothaches, facial pain and neck pain. However, as a word of precaution, it can induce labour and must never be used during pregnancy.
Liver 3 (LIV3) Tai Chong:
This is an excellent area to stimulate for stress, low back pain, high blood pressure, limb pain, insomnia and emotional upset.
Pericardium 6 (P6) Nei Guan:
This point can help provide relief for nausea, anxiety, carpal tunnel syndrome, upset stomach, motion sickness and headaches and is even used for regulation of heart palpitations.
Spleen 6 (SP6) San Yin Jiao:
This point can be very helpful for many urological and pelvic disorders as well as fatigue and insomnia. Avoid during pregnancy.
Stomach 36 (ST36) Zu San Li:
You can find this point useful for fatigue and depression as well as knee pain and gastrointestinal discomfort. Asians frequently stimulate this point for health promotion and longevity.
Want to know more about Acupressure and how Acupuncture could help you? Get in touch with Bryony, 07581 095268 or simply use the contact form and Bryony will get back to you.