Facial cosmetic acupuncture is the latest skin rejuvenation treatment. It is a safe and natural anti ageing treatment that concentrates on points and muscles of the face and benefits elasticity, skin appearance and concerns, and fine lines and wrinkles. The facial cosmetic acupuncture treatment also includes points on the body and aims to treat overall general well being.
The aim of facial enhancement acupuncture is not only to revitalise you from the outside, but to balance the inside too – leading to greater wellbeing and vibrant skin rejuvenation.- Paul Adkins
The Benefits:
- Improvement to fine lines and wrinkles
- Improvement to elasticity of the skin and general overall appearance
- Improvement to age spots and old acne scars
- Lift to the face
- Eradicate laughter lines around the eyes
- Achieve radiant looking skin
- A feeling balanced and happy within yourself
- Strengthen total wellbeing
Areas of focus during treatment may include:
- Helping in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions
- Reducing fine lines and wrinkles
- Lifting drooping eyelids
- Tightening your pores
- Reducing the appearance of bags under your eyes
- Moisturising your skin and improving tone
- Brightening your eyes
- Helping you to look and feel younger
What happens during Treatment:
The first part of the treatment is to concentrate on points and muscles of the face in order to improve elasticity of your skin and general overall appearance by stimulating these muscles. Needles will also be inserted into constitutional points on your legs, arms and body, these are the points that will help to balance and harmonise your inner elements.
The second and the main part of the treatment is to address the problems of fine lines and wrinkles. These become evident in most areas of the face as we get older, but can also be caused by excess sun and environmental conditions. In this part of the treatment tiny intradermal needles are used directly into the line or wrinkle; this action creates a very small wound to the face which the body will try to repair by producing collogen and wound healing properties which will fill out the line, and with continued treatment the line or wrinkles should gradually fade.
Bryony did her facial cosmetic acupuncture training with Paul Adkins who developed Facial Enhance, a natural, non-surgical cosmetic acupuncture protocol. Bryony is a a member of Cosmetic Acupuncture UK and is a recommended cosmetic acupuncturist in Yorkshire and Humber.
Call now and make an appointment with Bryony and start seeing the amazing results, 07581 095268.